Computer Science A - 10/8/99 Write a function that will set the diagonals of an N x N matrix to the value stored in the character variables "ch". Otherwise all the non-diagonal characters are the same. Declarations: const int N = ; apmatrix TwoDim1(N, N, 'A'), TwoDim2; char ch = ; Prototype: apmatrix setDiagonals(const apmatrix& , char ); Call: TwoDim2 = SetDiagonals(TwoDim1, ch); apmatrix SetDiagonals(const apmatrix& TwoDim1, char ch) { apmatrix Temp(TwoDim1); int ctr; for(ctr = 0; ctr < N; ctr++) { Temp[ctr][ctr] = ch; Temp[ctr][N - ctr - 1] = ch; } return Temp; }