Computer Science A - removal - 9/15/99 Directions: Write a function that removes all occurences of a certain integer from its vector parameter. Do NOT use any additional vectors. Be certain to update the cevtor components and the vector length. Declarations: apvector Numbers; int item; //integer to be removed Call: place = location2(Values, N); Before Call: After Call: 4 -3 5 4 4 item = 4 -3 5 (length = 2) 7 8 8 2 2 item = 8 7 2 2 (length = 3) Heading: void removal(apvector& Numbers, int item) //precondition: Numbers is full, item is defined //postcondition: a vector containing the values in Numbers excluding // item.Numbers.length() is updated. Continued 9/16/99