Bless Me Ultima Chapter X Outline Paraphrase: In this chapter we learn about Ultima's awesome powers. Antonio's youngest uncle (on his mother's side), Uncle Lucas was cursed by three evil sisters. But Ultima with Antonio's help cures him of his curse. She then creates three voodoo dolls of the three sisters who put the curse on him. I don't understand exactly what happened, but I think that she channeled Lucas's suffering though Antonio or vice versa. Somehow Antonio felt the suffered whatever his uncle felt. In the end, Ultima burned the hair that Lucas choked up where the sisters were performing their witchcraft, and was the center of the evil. Techniques: · Antonio's fate seems to be foreshadowed in a different way. Instead of being a priest or a Marez, he may become a curandera like Ultima. Though out the story tiny suggestions prove this. For example in chapter 4 she was teaching him the different types of plants, how to identify them, and what remedies they can create. · It is also a safe prediction that something will happen with the three evil sisters and Ultima. Whether it's a battle of good and evil, I'm not sure yet. I just believe that they will meet again before the story is done.