Bless Me Ultima Chapter XII Outline Paraphrase: Tenterio has come after Ultima with his cronies, to seek revenge for the death of his daughter. Fortunately Narciso came to warn Ultima. When they baddies arrived, Narciso reminded Tenterio and his crew about the test for the brujas. Basically for the test, you put some- thing that has been blessed in the sign of the cross, say a prayer, and a witch can not cross the threshold. When Ultima is about to cross her owl comes and rips out the eye of Tenterio, distracting everybody. When they see her, she has walked through the door. They leave convinced she is not a witch, but when Antonio goes to remove the pins they are on the floor, and he is not certain if they fell or somebody knocked them down. Techniques: · It is hinted that Ultima may be a witch, because she distracted the men with her owl so she could knock down the holy pins before crossing. · We learn that Antonio will fight for what he believes, and his dad will too. This is a good characteristic.