Bless Me Ultima Chapter III Outline Paraphrase: In the beginning of the chapter, Antonio wonders what happened to Lupito's soul. He replays the death in his head, and seems troubled by it. It is Sunday and Antonio tells the rituals of their Sunday mornings. His mother always calls his father first, and Antonio always stays in bed and listened to them argue. His father would often drink to much beer on Saturday and show a lot of anger towards people. Also Antonio's father isn't too big on religion. Antonio heard a story that he wasn't supposed to hear, of his grandfather beating a priest. His mother wants Antonio to become a priest. At the end of the chapter, we are introduced to a group of kids that Antonio knows because of watching them. There are about seven of these hoodlums, each with a defining characteristic and many with a dubbed name. They are introduced to Antonio, and immediately take a liking to him. The chapter ends when one of the kids calls that mass is starting. Techniques: · Spanish is a good technique because it gives you cultural information. Some Spanish words can not be translated into English without losing its real meaning, so to preserve the essential meaning the author kept the original words. · I also predict that Antonio will have several adventures with his new posse. I don't know what yet, but they are already his good friends.